One of the few spring/summer chores that I actually enjoy is mowing the grass. You can keep the gardening (both vegetables and flowers) and let me do the mowing!! I don't know why I love to mow, perhaps it is because it feels more like a ride then like work. I get immense satisfaction from seeing the lines I make in the uncut grass. Though my husband probably gets annoyed because I've not yet mastered the art of "mowing so it looks good". Others have nice up and down lines with swirls around trees. Me... I have random zig zags all over the place. Tons of double backs and criss-crosses. That's the way I rolllll!! Literally!  I always set out to make neat patterns but partly into it my mind goes blank on how to get from here to there without zigging all over the place! HA!  So I just load an audio book on my iphone, put on my noise cancelling headphones and mow away! It's kind of like my version of ME time.  Other women may go shopping for relaxing Me time, not this girly. I hate shopping!

Zoom Zoom Zoom here I go, another perk of working from home! How many people can answer the, "What did you do for lunch?" question with, " Oh,I went out and mowed the back yard."  So dear bosses, don't be looking for me on payday weeks when we get our hour lunch because you won't be finding me.  You'll have to leave a message cause I'm out mowing...........  Cheers!

P.S. Yes, I know my husband is going out and fixing my zigzags but that is the way he rolls! 😆


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